After a laborious three hours of class pontificating about The Making of the English Class (insert sarcastic smile for all those intimately familiar with the beast at hand), we came home to what has become our weekly tradition of cooking together on Wednesday evenings. While neither of us enjoy cooking, both struggle with it, and have little time to spend exploring new recipes, we are also "fourth" wave feminists (in the making) who believe it is important to be self-sufficient both outside and inside the home. During our weekly trip to TJ (Trader Joes, not to be confused with the famous borderland that is ever present in our collective psyche) we picked up an orgy of ingredients for the making of a perfect pizza (mama mia!). Twenty minutes later this emerged from the interstices of our oven. Our appetites climaxed as we bit into the welcoming dough, the basis of this week's meal.
The meal took under 20 minutes to make and cost under $10 and easily fed the ravenous appetites of growing scholars.
Ingredients (all TJ):
Pizza dough
Marinera sauce
One turkey-based sausage
Green Bell Peppers
Mozzarella Cheese
And of course... lots of love :)
Directions: Let dough thaw, stretch out on pizza pan, spread marinera sauce (be frugal as it will get runny), chop up ingredients and distribute them evenly on the dough. Cook for about 12 minutes or until cheese melts.
What's on tap this week:
Sierra Nevada Torpedo
*Rating: Much too hoppy for our liking. 2/5
Food for thought.
-Excerpt from this week's reading of "The Moral Economy of the English Crowd," Past and Present 50 (1971) by E.P. Thompson:
"These women appear to have belonged to some pre-history of their sex before its Fall, and to have been unaware that they should have waited for some two hundred years for their Liberation."
This quote highlights E.P. Thompson's failure to engage gender when discussing womens' participation in food riots; alas even EP has his shortcomings.
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