Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fettuccine Alfredo with Chicken

What started out as a very tough week attempting to fight the hegemonic discourses that be, climaxed in a dialectal fashion to our end goal: our best meal yet. As usual, we cooked in a very egalitarian fashion, making sure to not alienate ourselves from the product of our labor. Our set up included marinating the raw chicken breast with lemon, salt, pepper, and basil leaves. We then left the ingredients interpenetrate for about 5 minutes.  We put the chicken on a pan with minced garlic and a splash of olive oil. We covered the chicken and let it cook for a few minutes, flipping it over a few times to make sure that both sides obtained a perfect golden hue.

The fettuccine was the easy part--we wouldn't insult your skills in the kitchen by teaching you how to cook pasta. Be sure to heat up the alfredo sauce on a very low heat to prevent a volcanic eruption in your kitchen.  Mix everything together and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Cost: under $10 for 4 meals
Time preparation: 5 minutes prep and 25 minutes cooking time

Fettuccine pasta (.5 lb)
Alfredo Sauce
Chicken Breast
Garlic-about 4 large cloves
Salt-a pinch
Pepper-a dash
Lemon-half a lemon
Basil leaves - a dash, crushed

Food for thought:
"The male industrialist continues to work even if he is a millionaire but his wife and daughters are turning more and more, into 'luxury mammals.'" (The Antonio Gramsci Reader: Selected Writings 1916-1935, pg. 293).
Clearly, Mr. Gramsci, unlike Joan Scott, you fail to see how gender serves as a category of analysis to disentangle a unitary conception of class. You are helping to solidify women's roles as luxury mammals by failing to give women a more central role in the proletarian-led revolution that you call for and also failing to develop an analysis for how women too can break free from the chains of hegemony. What relational norms exist that lead some women to become so-called luxury mammals and what should she do to break free from mammalian bondage? And, what can be done to stop the young mammalian aspire-es from devolving into the full expression of their prognosticated condition.

What's on tap this week:
Unfortunately, due to an illness the only thing we are drinking is tea. :(

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